What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag
Even when planning a home birth, it is absolutely essential to prepare a bag to bring to the hospital with you, because if plans change or if you were planning a hospital birth all along, the last thing you want to do while in labour is pack your essentials!
This is a list I provide all my clients prenatally. If you live close to the hospital (under 10 minutes-ish), you may be able to get by with packing on the lighter side, knowing that your birth partner, family member or friend can run to your home to get you whatever additional things you may need. However, some of my clients live 30+ minutes from the hospital they are birthing at, and in that case, I really recommend bringing as much as you can!
I highly suggest packing two separate bags; one that contains labour support supplies (things the birther is going to want while labouring) that the partner brings in with them when you arrive at the hospital, and the second bag contains things for your baby.
Labour Support Bag:
Snacks – think non-smelly, easy to digest items
Dried fruit or nuts (a great source of energy and protein)
Energy bars
Instant oatmeal packages
Canned/boxed/powdered broth
Electrolyte beverages (coconut water, hydration tablets, tea, Gatorade/Powerade)
Jello or Vegan Jello Substitute
Comfort Items:
Housecoat and easy access pajamas/nightgown
Slide sandals/slip-on slippers
Nursing bra & nipple pads
Socks (multiple pairs)
Loose underwear
Toiletries – toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, scrunchies/hair clips, deodorant, lip balms
Comfortable and loose fitting clothing to wear home
Partner/Support Person Items – extra clothes, swimsuit, warm hoodie/sweater, toiletries etc.
Extra pillow or two
Phones and charging cables (and an extension cord if the cables are short)
Portable/Bluetooth speaker and music playlists (one with calmer music and one with music to pump you up/get you excited)
Refillable water bottle/coffee thermos
Baby Bag:
Going home outfit
Long sleeved footed sleepers with ZIPPERS
Receiving blankets/sleep sacks (the hospital provides green towels or flannel blankets but the muslin swaddles you were probably given at your baby shower are a lot nicer!)
Baby socks and hat
Diapers and wipes (the hospital will have some you can use, but I recommend bringing the free sample packs for either Huggies or Pampers just in case you’re having trouble getting ahold of a nurse to bring you some more)
Installed baby car seat